Cooking and Recipes.

Red or black currants Sharlotka.


For dough:

2 - 2,5 cups (11 - 12 oz) flour
100 g butter or oleomargarine
1 cup sugar
1 egg

For filling:

1 lb (500 g) red or black currants
3 egg whites
3 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
5 oz (130 g) chopped almonds

Cooking Instructions:

1. Mix together sifted flour, the diced butter or oleomargarine and egg in the food processor until the dough has the consistency of coarse bread crumbs. 

2. Knead the dough on a floured work surface until it forms a ball, and than leave it, wrapped in cling film, to rest 1 hour in the refrigerator.

Make filling: 

3. Beat up egg yolks with 2 tbsp of sugar.  Stir in beaten to a white foam egg-whites, mix with the currant and finely chopped almonds.

4. Heat the oven to 180 C/350 F. Grease the tin and cover the base with the rolled out dough, leaving the sides to stick up about 2 cm (1 inch).

5. Spoon the filling over the dough in the cake tin, arrange it on the dough.

6. Bake the flan for about 40 minutes. 

7. Cool and sprinkle the Sharlotka with a sugar powder.

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