Cooking and Recipes.

Apple Kvass - Cold beverage.

Cooking and recipes FREE ebook, download totally free, English.Description:

Ancient Russian drink kvass is a cold beverage, old recipe. 


2,5 litres (5 pint) - water
1 kg (2 lb) - apples, washed, (sour taste)
0,4 kg (16 oz) - sugar
10 grams (1/2 oz) yeast


1. Cut apples and put in big saucepan, pour boiled warm water. 

2. Bring to boil. Cook until apples became "mashed". Cool to lukewarm. Strain and discard apples. 

3. Add into the  liquid the sugar and yeast, dissolved in a small amount of warm boiled water, mix.

4. Pour kvass into bottles immediately, cork tightly and put them in the fridge for 3 days.  After 3 days the kvass will be ready to drink.

5. Kvass should be served with ice.

(10-15 grams =1/2 oz; 100 g = 4 oz)

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