Cooking and Recipes.

Pozharsky Rissoles.

Russian cuisine and recipes, COOKING the Russian way. Russian cuisine is rich and flavorful. There many healthy and tasty dishes in Russian cooking.
 Ingredients and Cooking Instructions:

Take fillet of chicken about one kilogram (2,2 lb) and add about 100 grams (3,5 oz) of white bread without the crust, soaked in milk. Put this mixture through the meat grinder, add a little melted butter and salt, and mix thoroughly.Form this mixture into small rissoles and coat in bread-crumbs. Drop the rissoles into a deep pan of butter and fry for five minutes, until a light brown crust has formed.
Then take the pan with the rissoles and place for five minutes in a hot oven. Place the rissoles on a dish and pour some melted butter over them.They are usually served with a variety of vegetables, such as peas, beans, cauliflower and potatoes. 

Pozharsky chicken rissoles was named after the owner of a popular restaurant in Torzhok a town near Moscow. His name was Pozharsky.

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